California Parents of Young Children Struggle to Pay for Basic Needs

The RAPID-California Voices Project is shining a light on how parents and caregivers are faring in the Golden State. In this first fact sheet, we focus on the data we have gathered so far on parents’ experiences of material hardship, their well-being, and awareness and likelihood of using the state’s new transitional kindergarten program.

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Most Families Are Worried About Environmental Issues, Have Experienced Extreme Weather

From April through November of 2022, the RAPID survey included questions designed to help us understand how extreme weather and other effects of climate change are impacting families with young children, as well as to what extent families are engaging in behaviors that promote sustainability and enjoyment of nature.

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In Their Own Words: Parents Speak On How Their Children Are Doing, Their Family's Supports, and Their Goals

We asked parents to answer open-ended questions about the things they look at to know how well their children are doing, the supports and services they rely on, and what their long-term goals are for their children.

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Widening Disparities: The Unique Challenges of Families of Children With Special Needs

Families of children with special needs have continued to experience more material hardship, hunger, and emotional distress compared to those who do not have children with special needs. In December 2020, we published a blog post that summarized the challenges that families of children with special needs have faced during the COVID-19 pandemic. This factsheet reveals the disparities and unique challenges since then.

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Two Years in the Life of a Pandemic: Listening To the Voices of Parents

The topics and trends that RAPID has followed for the past two years provide a living record of the pandemic. However, these issues didn’t begin in 2020 and the challenges will remain in the lives of our survey families well after the pandemic has faded into history.

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